Join the Primal Alternative 7-Day
Grain Free Challenge

Get ready for a journey towards better health, renewed energy, and deliciously satisfying, easy to prepare, family friendly meals.

Say goodbye to grains and embrace a week of tasty, nourishing alternatives with the Primal Alternative 7-Day Grain-Free Challenge, led by Primal Health Coach and Founder of Primal Alternative, Helen Marshall.


About the Challenge Leader

Helen Marshall has over 30 years of experience in the wellness industry, a grain-free food brand and a family to feed making her the perfect guide for your grain-free adventure. Her expertise will help you navigate this exciting challenge while enjoying a variety of nutrient-dense, delicious foods.

Why go
Grain Free?

Consider these three compelling reasons to ditch grains from your diet:

Boost Your Energy

Without the energy fluctuations caused by grains, you'll experience sustained vitality throughout the day.

Enhance Digestive Wellness

Grain-free eating can alleviate bloating and digestive discomfort, promoting a happier gut.

Support Weight Management

Eliminating grains can contribute to weight loss and better weight management due to reduced inflammation and balanced blood sugar levels.

The Primal Alternative 7-Day
Grain Free Challenge

What you'll receive:

Daily Educational short video trainings

Learn about the health benefits of going grain-free and gain a deeper understanding of how this change can positively impact your well-being.

Swap this for that

Each day, discover simple swaps that transform your favourite grain-based dishes into delectable grain-free alternatives.

7-day meal plan

Enjoy a carefully curated meal plan complete with recipes and a shopping list, all conveniently compiled into a downloadable PDF. Whether you follow the plan to the letter or add your creative touch, the choice is yours.

Facebook support group

Connect with like-minded participants for encouragement, recipe sharing, and advice throughout your journey.

Deliciously grain-free menus 

Imagine waking up to a satisfying breakfast, indulging in weekend pancakes, savouring nourishing lunches, and family friendly hearty dinners, all without grains.

From mouthwatering curries to comforting lasagnes, every recipe is designed to delight your taste buds and nourish your body.

Paleo & Primal goodness

Rest assured, every recipe is paleo and primal-friendly, meaning they are not only grain-free but also devoid of refined sugars and dairy.

Packed with nutrient-dense ingredients like vegetables, fruits, eggs, and meat stocks, these meals will truly nourish your body.

Your Journey starts here 

Helen's goal with the 7-Day Grain-Free Challenge is to empower you with delicious recipes, fresh ideas, and the realisation that going grain-free can be both delicious and deprivation free.

Join us anytime and work through the challenge at your leisure, taking the first step toward a healthier, happier you!

Sign Up Now for the Primal Alternative 7-Day Grain-Free Challenge at just $49 and explore a world of delicious grain free possibilities without deprivation. Your health transformation begins NOW!