Remote work is the future of work

health coaching Oct 18, 2020

Hands up if you love being at home.

Keep your hand up if you currently work outside the home and can’t wait to get home on a night or wish the week away for weekends that only go by too fast?

When I worked outside the home there was so much to plan! Packing food, snacks, ironing clothes (waste of time!) and packing gym gear. I used to leave the home at 7am and return at 7pm wearing ridiculously uncomfortable clothes like suits and high heels.

It’s crazy isn’t it really? Workers commuting into a tiny section of the city known as the central business district. All working on top of each other. In offices with recycled stale air, the whiff of a co-workers microwave warmed up junk food & red bull filling your nostrils.

It’s crazy because, with amazing modern technology we can all work from home.

2020 has seen a lot of changes [understatement] and lots of silver linings. One of the silver linings has been a move to working from home. Remote work is the future of work. And doesn’t that make sense? Less racing out of the door, comfy clothes, the ability to break the day up with a few domestic chores. More productivity and less traffic pollution.

The Primalistas, baking from home, trading electronically, being in an essential industry and offering contactless delivery – are already well positioned to thrive in these new times.

Many people I have spoken to have also said it’s been a great year for getting clear on what really matters. What really matters to you I’ve been asking. The answer is invariably: home, health and family.

If you’re looking for a way to work from home and have always dreamed of having your own business, I would love you to check out the Primalista Licence and for you to become a Primal Alternative Producer.

Whether you are looking for it to be your main source of income, a hobby that pays or a way to nourish your family with convenient real food, it’s totally up to you.

Find out more about our home based business model here:

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Get your FREE Info Pack and find out more about the Primal Alternative business opportunityĀ plusĀ that amazing Grain-Free Herb Bread recipe.