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Thrive: A 21 Day Clean Living Journey

Eating plants & animals, getting enough sleep & sunshine, spending time in nature, slowing life down, stressing less and connecting with the tribe.

This is how Kale Brock, Director of THE GUT MOVIE describes the San’s tribal existence in Namibia. Check out my interview with Kale here.

The San tribe are relaxed, happy, connected, lean, energised with incredible gut health (Kale knows because he brought some of the tribe’s poo back to Australia!!)

That’s what our hunter gatherer ancestors did.


Your human default setting is happy, relaxed, content, lean & energised.

Going ‘Primal’ is the fast track to feeling freaking awesome….and you don’t have to move to Namibia to achieve that next level of health!

I’ve created this 21 day clean living journey to inspire, support & guide you to get back to the foods & lifestyle rituals that we evolved and thrive on so you can try it for yourself and see how you feel.

What else is possible?

Thrive offers daily inspiration on

What People Are Saying:

“I was feeling tired, bloated and not much fun…wow it has changed! I’m awake for the first time in so long, no bloating and I’m funny as all hell again, thanks challenge and thank you heaps Helen!”

Jo Lane WA

“I’m now more positive and hopeful for the future, emotionally more stable and I don’t feel sick.”

Marisha WA

“Before the challenge I was feeling physically depleted, mentally scattered, emotionally fragile and spiritually void. I haven’t had that groggy foggy hopelessness since the challenge began. Even on some really tired days I have felt calmer, clearer, more positive, more together.”

Kyra, ACT